Monday, January 01, 2007

une bonne résolution

  1. Save money and go travel at least once or twice a year
  2. Speaking French fluently within 3 years, at least I can communicate with French people without any problem
  3. Do something what I like without hestitation
  4. Not being lazy anymore
  5. Take Japanese Proficiency Test Level one and get passed
  6. Learn something interesting like dancing, ice skiing, photography, saxophone or violin
  7. Buy a SLR Digital Camera if I can afford
  8. Learn to manage my income well, not to spend more than I earn
  9. Keep Fit and healthy
  10. Get my nimble fingers back and play piano as good as I did


Anonymous said...

All worthwhile resolutions again, apart from claiming that you're lazy. LOL I think you're the least lazy person I know. Good luck with them all anyway, but especially the piano playing. :-)

You know my resolution and it is nowhere near as difficult at yours but I still lack confidence that I can manage it. :-(

kArEn said...

I always make many new year resolutions but then finally I can hardly fulfill any. Just like last year I had lot of plans but... sigh... some become this year resolutions again...:P