Saturday, March 03, 2007


It's always good to buy things for yourself and make yourself happy. I like shopping but I won't view shopping as a hobby. Some people usually go shopping when they feel depressed. And they spend a lot of money that they do not have on things that they do not need. They also often regret their purchases the next day. Silly, huh?

I bought something for myself today, it's not that necessary, just kinda wanna "spend happy". Not regret at all but not that happy. I would be happier if I can buy a holiday right now but I can't! Too late?!


Anonymous said...

How about spending time by the sea ? It is better than shopping.

kArEn said...

It's a good idea!! But here is very cold with drizzle. Only 10 degrees!! The weather is really strange! Rainy days really get me down...

Mountaincat said...

I will also move to this blogger site with my blog. Yoroshiku ne.