Saturday, May 19, 2007


I got a new PC!! Went to Golden Computer Arcade to buy a new PC and keyboard. It was a bad rainy day and usually I don't feel like going out but I really can't stand for my old PC. It often shuts down automatically and I'm annoyed with it. I was tempted to buy iMac coz it looks so cool and it's more stable but finally I still bought a PC. Why? Because it's cheaper and my family voted for PC! :D Well may be if one day I move out, I will buy an iMac...


Anonymous said...

You had a family vote? Seems like HK is still a very democratic place. ;-)
Congratulations on the new PC, you're living my dream. :-)

Mountaincat said...

You might have memory problem with old PC. Reinstalling windows could help. Did you install a lot of other programs like chats ?

Wishing you happy computing with new PC!!!