After lunch, we walked pass through St. Dominic's Square to The Ruins of St. Pauls. There were so many people!! Most of them are from Mainland China. We didn't stay there long, just took few pics and had a walk.

Then we took a bus to Coloane and had an afternoon tea at Andrew Stow's cafe. I had an Portuguese egg tart and a cup of hot Latte! It tasted so good!! It was so relaxing to enjoy afternoon tea, read newspaper and chichat. I think Macau people are less stressed than Hong Kongers and they are rather slow pace. May be they inherit the laziness from Portuguese :D
It was dusk already after afternoon tea. We had a walk at Avenida 5 de Outubro. It's a quiet calm place. Cologne is quite different with Macau peninsula, it's more like the Lamma Island in Hong Kong. Not crowded and not many shops.
Dinner at a Portuguese restaurant at Taipa. We had codfish cake, garlic bread, fried Portuguese sasuages with vegetables and Portuguese curry with Prawn!! Wow the Portuguess curry with Prawn is a must eat food!! So delicious!! A perfect match with the garlic bread!! Yummy :D
After dinner we went back to The Ruins of St. Pauls, took some night pics and then bought souvenirs. Then we went to Fisherman's Wharf, the rides were closed but the shops and restaurants were still opened. It's strange that there are Portugal souvenir shops though Macau was Portuguese colony. I can't see we have British souvenirs in Hong Kong LOL
Thank you for sharing yet more great photos.
Macau looks very interesting. I thought it was just a casino town but it seems to be much more than that.
This is the first I have heard of Portuguese curry but it sounds very nice. :-)
[quote]I think Macau people are less stressed than Hong Kongers and they are rather slow pace. May be they inherit the laziness from Portuguese :D [/quote]
Hehehe you hop quickly between "slow pace" and "laziness" :P :P Pictures look great (again). Sounds like you had a great time there.. Cuisine looks great to, you sure you didnt get sick of those egg tarts? ;)
ticket tout,
Portuguese curry is really nice!! Not too spicy, I think they add some cream to thicken the curry.
I do think slow pace = laziness LOL May be we Hong Kongers are too fast :P I didn't get sick of those egg tarts!! I only ate one!! :D I wanted more but I was too full!
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