The sushi restaurants are quite small and there were many people waiting outside. We chose one and then we waited for nearly 45mins. I can say that the suishi was the best that I ever had!! I chose the "chef recommendation" menu and the chef made me sushi with the freshest fishes.

I had 10 more pieces sushi and all of them was very good!! I loved the sea urchin and salmon eggs sushi!! I didn't like the salmon eggs sushi in Hong Kong but surprisingly this one was so tasty!! Wowwww yummy!! It was a very great brunch for us!!
Thank you for sharing more of your lovely photos and stories.
Ahh Tokyo, seems so long ago now.
I hope I can get a window seat on my Septembmer flights so I can take some pictures. I forgot to specify. I really don't want to sit between people. Anyway, I'll talk to you about this soon cos you're my most well travelled friend.
Take care and thanks for keeping me entertained here. :-)
haha yes Tokyo is really long ago!! I feel like it happened half year ago!! :P
I hope you will enjoy your trip in Sep and I'm sure it would be a great fun!!
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