I think I'm really a fast reader!! I finished this book not more that one week tho this book isn't thick at all. I like to read the books after watching movies coz I can understand the stories better.
This book is totally not same as the movie! Or I should say the director just used some points or pharses to build up the movie. This book is just a love advice book which help women to find the guys who are really into them.
It's quite interesting to know but I don't think all his "theories" or advices are truth. Everyone are unique, right? We can't just use these theories to judge.
Here are the theories:
1) He's just that into you if HE'S NOT ASKING YOU OUT
2) He's just that into you if HE'S NOT CALLING YOU
3) He's just that into you if HE'S NOT DATING YOU
4) He's just that into you if HE'S NOT HAVING SEX WITH YOU
5) He's just that into you if HE'S HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE
6) He's just that into you if HE ONLY WANTS TO SEE YOU WHEN HE'S DRUNK
7) He's just that into you if HE DOESN'T WANT TO MARRY YOU
8) He's just that into you if HE'S BREAKING UP WITH YOU
9) He's just that into you if HE'S DISAPPEARED ON YOU
10) He's just that into you if HE'S MARRIED
11) He's just that into you if HE'S A SELFISH JERK, A BULLY, OR A REALLY BIG FREAK
Very funny but it seems hard to find the right guy if girls believe all the above theories?
How about boys ? Is there a book about boys ?
hehe i'm sure there are books for boys!! But I dunno which books :P You want one? ;)
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