Monday, August 27, 2007


Yay I'm going to Munich at the end of September!! ;) Kinda unexpected, huh? It was a bit rush to decide going there tho, I have just confirmed my ticket today!! My manager was reluctant to approve my vacation coz someone is going to leave. She asked me to change the departure date but I can't!! There is no choice for her :D I'm a bit excited for my trip now!! It will be Munich Oktoberfest when I go there!! I can imagine how fun it would be! I really should learn some German and get to know more about this country :P Luckily I have a friend who is so helpful and kind to help us!! :) Can't wait to go there!!


.:Tiamat:. said...

Hey karen how I has see my advertising functioned hehe i would hope you become in Germany a beautiful time have! and no you need no large coat smaller passes! :p

Anonymous said...

That must be great trip. I am actually envy to you, because I did not go home this summer. Can you get vacations so easy in HK ?

kArEn said...


I'm sure I will have good time in Germany!! And thanks again for your information!!


I hardly get vacation!! I only got 12 days annual leave and it spent me a half already!! When will you go home?

Anonymous said... are going to GERMANY!! hahhahhahaaaa so nice!!

kArEn said...

Yeah!! Planning to go to South Germany for 12days!