There were no reserved seats, only free standing area. We bought the $480 tickets and we didn't go there early so there were many people when we arrived. I couldn't see the Backstreet boys clearly!! They were too far away!! And the audio was not good!! I was a bit disappointed. But so far the atmosphere was good especially when they sang the old songs. All the audiences followed them to sing, clap hands and wave!! We got hyper when they sang Everybody and Shape of my Heart :D
It was so hard to take the pics coz I couldn't get closer. The pics are so blurry!! Maybe I should have bought my tripod? :D
I was the fan of Backstreet Boys 10 years ago and what a shame that Kevin has left the group. I really liked him. It would be better if he could come for the concert. BSB has changed a lot!! They are no more boys but MEN :D But they can still sing and dance well!! It was a good show!!