Saturday, July 19, 2008


Saturday is always nice if I can sleep as much as I can. I had a busy tiring week already but today I had to go back to work as an IT support. I'm not professional and I have no idea why they needed me but I was so reluctant to go back.

Nabil hosted a gathering at his flat, I worked until 7.30pm and then went to his home. All of them were there already coz some of them only work for half day or they had day off. I looked exhausted and I just wanted to rest and relax.

They were making crepes in the kitchen so I had a try. It was my first time to make crepes and it was pretty easy :D Who say I can't cook?

I put some potatos, hams, onions on the crepe and folded it, then Nabil asked me to toss the crepe but it didn't work out well. It looked like a mess tho I'm sure it was still good :D Gotta practise to toss the food!

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