Leaving Monaco in the early morning, we dragged our heavy luggages to the bus station. The bus station was pretty far away from Kelly's friend's home, we had to walk a long way. This crazy long stairs tired us out!!
Nice is not far away from Monaco, we only needed around one hour to Nice. What a nice sunny weather!! Nice is a small city and people there were nice!! When we were looking for the way to the hostel, a young lad just popped up and told us the direction. He thought we were from China but then we told him that we were from Hong Kong, he knew the different between Hong Kong and China :D yay!
Our hostel is in the city centre and it was quite convenient. We dropped off our luggages and went out for shopping. We bought some clothes and sandals!!
We then went back to the hostel to take a shower, dress up and went out for a bar to watch the European Champion League Final, Man United vs FC Barcelona. Kate is a big fans of Man Utd and she loves C.Ronaldo very much. I'm not so into Man Utd but I don't really like FC Barcelona so I chose to support an England team :D
We were a bit late so it was very full in the bar. We couldn't find a seat, we could only stand and watch the game. FC Barcelona won 2-0, I wasn't surprised tho LOL
There were a live band show after the game, we then got seats and enjoyed the live music. I think we were the only one who pay attention to their performance coz they sang in English and seems not many people were interested in their performance. We even took photos with the band! How nice they were!!
We were a bit hungry so we then had some dessert and wine in a nice restaurant. Both crème brûlée and tiramisu were good!!

We hardly recognised the road in the dark so we spent nearly an hour to walk back to our hostel :P It was pretty late when we were back!! Our roommates were sleeping already.
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