Wednesday, May 03, 2006

BuSy WoRk

I had a very busy day and I feel like my work is piling up. Does it mean I'm becoming important now? It's quite annoying when people keep coming up to your desk and ask you something that you are not familiar either. Then you start to take over the job and work on it. And what would you do if your Japanese manager discusses something with the new supervisor next to you and then you know they hardly communicate? You would just pretend you were busy and not offereing any help? Or you would translate for them? Why I have to do this? Someone who can speak excellent Japanese but why she just sits there and do nothing? I think I can never finish my work if I keep helping them. But what are the solutions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are a valuable member of the team at work now so the answer is yes, you are becoming important.
"It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice."
That quote is obviously no help whatsoever to your current problem though so why wrote something more constructive to you in an Email.
Take care and enjoy the holiday.:-)