I've checked the match schedule for England and luckily the 1st two matches are not too late and definately I can watch it. But for the game for England and Sweden, they play at HK time 3am and it's weekday!! How can I manage to watch it? Someone reminded me that I resigned the job for the World Cup 2002, but I couldn't remember I resigned because of this reason. May be it was one of the reason but I was still young and I thought I could look for another job easily. Now I won't be so hasty. But I am tempted to take few days off for watching World Cup. Is it kind of wasting my annual leave?
Thank you for getting my into the world cup spirit so early. :-)
I fear that any games we have after the group stage (if we qualify) will be at 5pm or 8pm too because they want to hit the maximum UK TV audience. Is it possible for you to take a little holiday or arrange to go into work late on those days? Most employers are understanding if you give them plenty of notice. Please don't resign again.
I remember employers here being very flexible for the male employees to watch the football during the last world cup though the ladies weren't granted the same favour most of the time. How mean was that?
Of course it's impossible to go into work late during World Cup. I don't think the employers are so understanding here. It's your own business and you should manage your free time well and do not affect your working spirit LOL Why here is no personal leave? I don't think it's a good idea to call in sick frequently LOL
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