Sunday, November 04, 2007


Attending Janice's Wedding in the afternoon. It was my first time to attend a wedding ceremony + banquet in the afternoon!! Her wedding was rather like western style, it wasn't like Chinese banquet at night, we had buffet lunch at hotel. Interesting!!

Janice looked so beautiful and her wedding dresses were pretty!! Almost all the CDN colleagues attend her wedding, someone drank a lot of beer and got drunk!! He acted unusual, spoke something silly and loudly!! It was kinda embarrassing coz our table was the noisiest!! He complained about the work and he even said he had thought to resign!! OMG!! Hopefully he was just joking!!

After wedding, we had some drinks at Wildfire, just wanna chat and relax. I wanted to order cocktail but the drunk colleague forced me to drink beer!! It was my first beer since I came back from Germany :D Not a big glass so I can handle well :P I'm more into wine / cocktail than beer!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That really looks like cute wedding. Young couple looks nice!