Thursday, November 01, 2007


Dinner with Chris and Tania at Hak Ka Hut coz they wanted to eat Chinese food. Seems they like Chinese food a lot!! It has been a while since I met Tania. Finally I can arrange time to meet them both. But what a shame that my French is still like that!! When I saw Chris, all I could say was "Bonjour!" "ça va?" "Je suis fatiguée". It's kinda frustrating!! Can't I say something more or complicated? I think I really need to spend some more time on studying French!!


Anonymous said...

Some people blog in English, French etc. languages to practice. You might also consider blog in French. How about that ?

kArEn said...

Writting blog in French? I'm not good enough to write it right now!! Maybe few years later :P Also my other friends can't read if I write in French!! :D So better to write in English ;)