AC recommended me a Thai leg massage place so I went there to have foot reflexology. AC supposed to go there with me and she helped me to book a Thai lady massagist but we both were late so finally I went there alone. She was still on the bus while I was being massaged.
But they arranged me a Hong Kong male massagist becoz of my lateness. It's kinda strange to be massaged by a man but I got no choice. It hurted me when he was squeezing and pushing parts of the feet. My legs muscles are quite tight becoz of doing kickboxing much. I think I better to have foot reflexology more in order to inprove my general health.
After massage, I met AC at the JP cinema and then we watched "Tropic Thunder". I like Ben Stiller a lot!! He is one of my favourite comedian! The opening scene was fabulous and I laughed through out this movie!! The plot was somewhat weak at times but overall, a great movie!

After movie we rushed to attend Siu Hin & Iris's Wedding. It was bit late when we arrived there. Siu Hin and Sai Yan rushed us to go to the stage to take pics when they saw us. I met some old TI friends from the basketball team. I recognised their faces but I couldn't remember their name :P
Sai Yan was the M.C. and also groomsman as well but he kept coming to our table to eat when we all drank a toast to the bride and groom. It was funny that Siu Hin and groomsman didn't want to drink at all!! They wanted to eat first!! The kept putting the food into the mouth whenever they passed through our table!! Obviously there were hungry!! :D

Siu Hin and the groomsman challenged us on drinking and we opened many bottle of red wine and drink them at once!! I can't remember how many I drank :P It was a very funny wedding banquet and it was good to see old friends and have fun!! :) Congrats Siu Hin & Iris!!
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