On the way to LKF, we saw a lot of people with costume and scary make up. Very interesting!! It was the first time for Kyoko to be in Hong Kong on the Halloween, she was very excited coz people don't celebrate in Japan. She wanted to dress up but it was too late!! So next year we are going to dress up!! :D

Central was full of people!! It was very crowded!! We took nearly 1 and half hour to walk from the pier to LKF!! So crazy!! You couldn't even walk back!! We just followed the crowd to walk. We bought some beer from the convenient store, drank, took pics and had fun in the crowd.
Then we went into Insomnia to have some drinks and enjoy the live band music. It was more crowded than usual!! Kyoto had to work on the next day so we didn't stay till too late. We left at around 2am and we all had fun!!
Hey, Halloween is celebrated in Japan. I went to big and interesting Halloween parade here. Some school children prepared questionnaires for foreigners and wanted to ask about Halloween in my country, but I really could not answer nothing, because I don't know what is Halloween. I just enjoyed seeing masks.
Oh Halloween is celebrated in Japan now? Did you enjoy? I know it's not popular in Latvia coz it's American festival. But it is very fun in Hong Kong!! ;)
Yes, I saw Halloween and now I really want to join next year. See in my blog under "festivals"
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