Monday, December 31, 2007
Shopped around in CWB and after the afternoon tea, we took our kickboxing lesson. Surprisingly many girls were in the class!! I thought most of them would prefer hanging out in the eve rather than doing kickboxing.
After lesson, we had Thai food in a small shop. The food was quite good!! We had some grilled meat, green curry, Tom Yum Goong, shrimp sashimi and Thai scrembled eggs. So delicious!!
CWB was too crowd and everyone just wanna wait for the count down at Time Square. We didn't want to be in the crowds so we went to PY's friend's home to celebrate for the New Year. We watched movies, played the card games and counted down for New Year. Goodbye 2007!! You ran too fast!
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Then went to Happy Valley to have dinner at Oyster Island. The environment was good and comfy. It's a nice and quiet restaurant. Ordered few kinda oysters like Pearl Blanc, Fine de Claire, Tasmanian, Black Pearl and Grand Motard. My favourite is always Pearl Blanc :D The oysters were so fresh and sweet!! The after-taste lasted so long!! :) Also we had some white wine, garlic bread and Squid ink spaghetti with Seafood, so delicious!! We enjoyed this meal a lot!!
After dinner, went to LKF to have a drink and go clubbing later. I sweared I wouldn't go to Sugar again coz I didn't want to meet someone and also it wasn't fun there. This time I went to Number 9 and unluckly I meet them again!! Small world!! A sinister smile? Darn! We said Hi and then shaked hands :D I don't go clubbing often but how come I met them once and once again?!
Friday, December 28, 2007

Key's big day!! Congrats!! Attended Key's wedding banquet tonight. Met the TI old friends again :D Key's wedding photos are great!! (sorry Key I mean the scene :P) No wonder why so many people like taking their wedding photos in Taiwan.
Before the banquet started, we played card games "Big 2". Haven't played for a long time. It was fun! I got nice cards, see! ;)
After meal, we went to Kevin & Mandy's home to have party. Celebrate Sze's birthday and Christmas tho it was late :P
We played Pictionary until 6am!! Nearly 5 hours!! We are crazy!! :D But it was really fun!! PY and I weren't good partners, I couldn't understand what she drew and she thought what I drew was too complicated LOL Didn't have chance to partner with Ma and Helen, maybe next time!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The food was quite good and the party was conducted in a cordial atmosphere. They had auction and it was the most interesting part. Someone contributed the ipod nano, golf balls, chocolates, watches for us to bid. Can't believe they had lingeries and they asked us to bid one lady and one man for a date! haha :D It was all for charity but really funny!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ken came back to Hong Kong for vacation again and they came to our home for dinner. It's good to see them again! My cousin and his girlfriend will also come back to Hong Kong on 30th, soon we will have another family gathering!! Aunt Kathy showed us the pics of their grandson, he looks sooooo CUTE!! A Chinese + Jewish mixed baby looks like Western more than Chinese. I was a bit surprised that he has Chinese name :P Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ken asked us to go to Canada and I really want to go to there again!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
After dinner we went to LKF to have some drinks. Surprisingly there were not so crowded! I think maybe becoz everyone goes there on Christmas eve. We drank at different bars until 4am and then went home. I love drinks and live music!! :)

Monday, December 24, 2007

After dinner we went shopping at Sogo. I bought a ring and a pendant! I wanted to buy one more necklace but it's a bit expensive. I'm still considering to buy it or not. Hehe I have to treat myself better, right? :P
Then we went to Inn side out to have a drink. I drank a big glass of Hoegaarden and few glass of redwine. The minium charge is $150 per person, we couldn't drink that much so we had to order some food!! We were so full that we couldn't finish all!! :P Chit chatted at the bar and then we counted down for Christmas. It was fun :)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I didn't take many pics coz I wasn't in mood. I took around 80 pics but none of them are good. Shit! I haven't figured out how to use my Canon 400D and I have no idea how to take night shoot with my camera. Kinda frustrated to see those crap pics :( Bad angle, blurry, not sharp enough and bad colour tone. How come? I think I really should buy some camera books or go outside more to test my camera.
Thursday, December 20, 2007

After dinner we had some drinks in a bar in Knutsford. We had 1st round drink and then for the 2nd round our Korean friend suggested to order a 2.5Liter beer tower and share together!! Oh it reminded me how much I drank in Munich!! :D This time we had 4 people to share so I wouldn't get drunk :D I don't really like Carlsberg and I prefer wine or cocktail more tho. It's fun to drink that much again!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The budget was so tight, our stingy boss won't pay for us so we have to pay everything by ourselves. Had some nice food and lucky draw. It spent me much time to organise this party but I'm glad to see them having fun tho it was just a simple party during lunch time. But someone expected too much and seems he didn't appreciate the prize that he won. It's not easy to satisfy everyone, right?

Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007
After barbecued we had dessert at CWB and then we shopped around. Haven't got much time to do X'mas shopping and I'm still thinking what to buy for myself for X'mas :D
Friday, December 14, 2007
New manager is a Japanese but she has moved to Hong Kong since she was 3 years old so she can speak fluent Cantonese and English besides Japanese. Heard that she can also speak French!! Wow!! Amazing!! She was an architectural designer before and got no experience in trading and comestic field. Interesting to see a non-experienced to be a Gerneral manager. Anyway boss likes her and thinks she is able to handle this job, so nothing should be worried, right?
A friend has come back to Hong Kong so we chilled out with other friends at CWB and Central after work. Had dinner at CWB and then we had some drinks at LKF. Drank few beers and wine until 3.30am and then went home. It was funny that one of my friend didn't dare to chat girls up even tho we tried to help him. I'm so sorry for him since he usually complains he can't find a girlfriend. Maybe he wasn't drunk even to pluge up his courage :D Don't be so shy!! :D
Black or white? Yes or No? I'm sure there is something in between, right? I'm not that straightforward!! Or I'm too chicken to choose a certain answer!
And Special thanks the souvenir from Satoko!! I love cheese cake :) Yummy!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
The waiter in the cafe was so talkative, he kept talking to us and told us about his family and job. It's kinda stupid that his boss has a work cam in the cafe to spy on him and other staffs!! His salary is low too! What a mean boss!! I'm so sorry for him.
We had some snacks and desserts at the cafe and relaxed there until 3am. It's a funny question that we couldn't figure out, Why can't we drink the tap water? I'm sure if you ask anyone on the street, they will still say that you can't drink but dunno the reason!! Good question :D LOL
Have time always runs fast, I don't like to say goodbye and it's kinda sad whenever I see my friend leaving. We will meet again, right?
Friday, December 07, 2007
Chilling out at LKF, had some drinks at Insomnia, it was so crowded!! Then we went to Sugar at around 2am, surprisingly there were not many people!! I could even count how many people at the dancing floor!! We danced and had some fun but I was a bit tipsy. We chilled out until Sugar was closed :p It was good to have fun and relax after work!!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
After work, dinner with a friend in TST. I shouldn't have asked him to meet me there, He got lost :P We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant, the food was good. We were so full!! Glad that he liked the Shanghai Dumplings :D Then we hung around at Kowloon Park and then had a drink at Ned Kelly's. We both enjoyed the Jazz music and it was a very relaxing night since I have been stressed and upset recently. I feel a lot better :)
David asked me if I was learning something except French and piano, I told him I was learning a kinda sport and asked him to guess. 1) Squash 2) Gym 3) Swimming 4) Kickboxing. Surprising he guessed it right!! How come? Is it so obvious? Am I really looked so violent? LOL :D