New manager is a Japanese but she has moved to Hong Kong since she was 3 years old so she can speak fluent Cantonese and English besides Japanese. Heard that she can also speak French!! Wow!! Amazing!! She was an architectural designer before and got no experience in trading and comestic field. Interesting to see a non-experienced to be a Gerneral manager. Anyway boss likes her and thinks she is able to handle this job, so nothing should be worried, right?
A friend has come back to Hong Kong so we chilled out with other friends at CWB and Central after work. Had dinner at CWB and then we had some drinks at LKF. Drank few beers and wine until 3.30am and then went home. It was funny that one of my friend didn't dare to chat girls up even tho we tried to help him. I'm so sorry for him since he usually complains he can't find a girlfriend. Maybe he wasn't drunk even to pluge up his courage :D Don't be so shy!! :D
Black or white? Yes or No? I'm sure there is something in between, right? I'm not that straightforward!! Or I'm too chicken to choose a certain answer!
And Special thanks the souvenir from Satoko!! I love cheese cake :) Yummy!!

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