Sunday, October 12, 2008


I came back to Hong Kong at 5pm after my trip and then I had to rush home, put down my luggage, took a quick shower and rush to the restaurant coz it was my dad's 60 years old birthday. We celebrated with him in a Chinese Restaurant and all our relatives came to join the banquet.

I was supposed to be there earlier to welcome the guests, I rushed there and luckily I wasn't the latest :P Dick and Hei kept saying that I was late and everybody was waiting for me!! They were very noisy!!

I guess they weren't waiting for me!! They were waiting for my camera!! Dad looked so happy and he kept asking me to take pics. I suddenly felt like I was useful and I was like a photographer :P

The dinner was quite good and I missed Chinese food after 2 weeks vacation in Europe. Dicky and Hei made me and Kay drank a lot of red wine!! Luckily I didn't do anything silly in front of the relatives :D Mom said I didn't look so drunk until I got home. When I got home, I just lied down on the sofa and I can't remember how I went to bed :P The next day I realised I didn't take off my contact lens and I didn't even wash my face!! So crazy!! It's my first time for being like that!!

Time runs fast!! Dad is 60s already!! I don't realise he is growing old!! Maybe I don't spend enough time with family so I don't realise about that? I really should spend some more time with them!!


Anonymous said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Dad.

60 is a scary number don't you think? My dad has never been happy on any of his birthdays. I remember my mum telling me that my dad cried on his 40th. On his 60th he said "Turning 60 really puts being 40 into perspective. I don't know what I was worrying about back then."

Oh you should spend more time with your parents if you can. None of us can turn back time so better to let them know you love them while they are here.


kArEn said...

yeh 60 is a scary number!! I can't imagine if i was going to be 60 soon!! But I think your dad is very fun!! How could he cried? I bet he was too happy, wasn't he? :D

Anonymous said...

You can bet I'll shed a few tears when I turn 40 too.
Not long for me now, just 4 and a half years. I thought I'd be taller by now. ;-)