We arrived at the tent at around 8.30am and Michele said it was a bit late coz there were many people waiting outside the tents already!! I was a bit surprised!! The tents were opened at 9am to 11pm and becoz it was the last weekend of Oktoberfest, so many people go there on Saturday.

It was so cold with rain, a big contrast with last year!! Last year was very hot!! It was freezing to wait outside the tent!!
We met Michele's friend Elka outside the tent and then we got in at 9am. We ordered 1L beer mixed with lemonade and some bread for breakfast. It was strange for me to drink beer in the early morning!! Michele said Beer mixed with lemonade wasn't beer and he only counted it as half liter of beer on our bet (I didn't expect that!! I thought it counted as one liter!)

Then later Michele's other friend Toby came and we ordered some white sausages (Munchner WeiBwurste). It tasted very good!! I liked it very much!! Michele said it was a traditional sausages in Munich as breakfast. People eat a lot in the Oktoberfest and then they won't get drunk easily.

Inside the tent it wasn't as hot as I expected. Last year it was very hot but this year was cool. This tent was smaller comparing with last year but the atmosphere was still good. They had live which was started at 12pm and people danced and sing when the live band started.
I drank 1L beer mixed with lemonade and 3L of beer!! Amazing!! I drank more than last year!! But of course I didn't have clear mind after drinking that much beer. I hardly remember what I did in the afternoon. I only remember we talked a lot and took some pics. At around 4pm we changed to another table coz our table was reserved. We met some young lads and we talked to them and drink again.
We went back home at around 9pm but I can't remember how we went home. Michele and Connie told me that we went home by taxi from the train station. And we had food at Burger King before going home. They told me that I did something silly but I don't believe it!! Michele said he won the bet and he made fun on me that I couldn't drink at all!! Shit!! I really did drink 4L in total!! What I can say is German beer is too strong!!
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